Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Handorf Trip (Part 3)

The second shop that we went into was a shop that sell mini donuts and lolies.

Guess what? I saw lollies that I used to eat when I was in primary school and it had stopped selling in the market ages ago. It's pretty cheap as well! (10 in a pack for a dollar) Therefore, I grab 2 pack of that.

Here are some of my 'memoir' lolies. It's called 'Hart Beat Love Candy'. with blackcurrent, melon and peach flavor.

On the way to the cashier, I saw a mini cutie lolies on sale (which is the one that shows on the above photo). Guess how much? You won't believe it. It's just 50 cents. So, I grab one of those and head on my way to pay.

Look! How beautiful are those chocolate and lolies roses. Hope i would get some of those at Valentine's Day. =p



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