Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Yum Cha at Star House.


After postponing the plan for Yum Cha over and over again, we finally made it there. We chose to go to Star House for Yum Cha instead of Ding Hao was because there's someone who worked there just hates Regan and we all scared that we'll get poison. Lol... =P

Me and Regan, while waiting for our food to arrive.

Oh... This pose has become his favourite ever since the Tasmania trip that we had that he did it with Michael's fingers.

Nicole and Michael with the special chopstick's frame.

Regan said he likes "Sup Ho" (Wet Flat Noodles)'s sauce more than the noodles and stuff inside. Weirdo!!! *_*

Finishing up!!!

Heaps full after finishing whatever they ordered and don't like it. Gosh!!!

"Don't be shy, Michael! Help yourself..."

Nicole: "1,2..."
Von: "Wait for me." (Manage to squeeze myself in the photo. Hahaha...)

Restaurant: Star House Chinese Restaurant.
Add: 1/39 Gouger St, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia.
Phone: (08) 8221 6303.
Dining experience rating: 4/5
Service rating: 3.8/5
Food rating: 3.8/5
Price rating: 3/5
Recommended: 3.8/5 (Yes)



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