Monday, October 5, 2009

Regan's Birthday


Wake up around 2.45pm and sms Nicole and tell her I'll sms her again when I'm ready to be pick up to her house to ready the stuff for Regan's birthday. Before going to shower, I started to boil some rice to cook fried rice later on at Nicole's house. When I'm nearly done, I sms Nicole to come and pick me up around 3.45pm.

When we arrived at Nicole's house, Michael already finished pumping all the balloons. The whole floor was fill with colorful balloons. We did called Regan to make sure he'll arrived at 6pm. We started to get the food ready while Michael went to his parents' house. Then, we set up the birthday banner.

Regan arrived slightly early. We started with dinner. Then, we gave an empty wrapped layers box for Regan and told him that it was a present from us. It's a bit cruel though. Having him to unwrapped like layers and layers of wrapping to find out at the end that it was an empty box. Sorry, babe!!! It's just for fun. Hope you didn't get upset...

After that, we played passing parcel. The parcel was prepared by Nicole. Regan's present was in the middle and in between layers were different sort of small pressies that we will get when the music stop and we have to unwrap a layer. We all ended up with few small pressies. The pressie inside that Nicole got him was a X-Box game.

Next, while me and Michael get ready the next game; Nicole show Regan's the "Family Guy" cartoon. Remember the game "Pin the tail"? Yeah, our next game is kind of similar. Instead of pinning the tail, we pin the hand. Hahaha... =D We had took one of the photo from our Tassie trip to enlarge it purposely for this game.

This is our "Pin the hand" poster. ^.*

After the games, we get ready for cake session. This is Regan's alliens cake. Hehe... =P

"Happy Birthday to you, you were born in the zoo, with the tiger and the lion, Happy Birthday to you!!!"

This is one of the pressie I got for him: Karma Sutra Toilet Paper. I got him a wallet and a green Dino key mat as well.

Nicole with the bit and pieces that she and Michael tear off from the table cover.

Michael with a balloon head? Lol... ^.@

Regan's twin?

Michael has a twin too?

L-R: Regan, Michael and me.

Regan + Michael

Michael + Nicole

Nicole + me.

L-R: Michael, Regan, me and Nicole.



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